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From the Desk of Doug Mancini: A Galvanized Liquid Emerges

As the world opens up post-pandemic and new routines take hold, Liquid has been intensely focused on making proactive adjustments to better support the changing needs of the iconic and ambitious brands we serve. We met 2020 head on and used it as an opportunity to look ourselves in the mirror. Like for many, work policies, infrastructure, the overall economy, and everything else that came with COVID took a front seat. We went further. We were insistent upon declaring “who we are”. We did just that.  We placed bright lines around our territory. The result: a stronger, more focused, and cleansed Liquid emerged. We have since doubled down on our values, services, and client commitment all while purifying ourselves and reducing our portfolio from less common offerings and capabilities.

Many think technology when they hear Liquid. This makes sense given our history. We were pioneers in digital and our roots go back more than two decades.  We are battle tested. At this point, tech is in our blood. It is in our DNA. This will never change. The 2021 version of Liquid remains fully committed to our select platforms and technologies. Strong partnerships have been forged with industry leading platform and martech companies like Sitecore and others. Our technology stance is stronger and more focused than ever before.

While studying ourselves, we concluded that our technology offerings, to an extent, have sometimes overshadowed our other foundational services. We are determined to change this. Each of our service stacks hold equal value, depths of expertise, and quality of work.

Our Experience Design (XD) and Digital Marketing (DM) centers of excellence have been seeing record high demand. We have onboarded nearly a dozen industry leading companies since the pandemic took hold. Many of them are seizing our strengths in these areas to launch their brands, grow their market share, and improve their customer experience. Liquid is successfully deploying brand level experiences by combining things like animation, content strategy and creation, visual design systems, UI/UX, digital and integrated marketing campaigns, and video.  We are launching some of the very best complete digital experiences possible. Although not new to us, ensuring the public understands just how effective our XD and DM departments are is imperative.

Liquid is continuously exposed to underachieving, underwhelming and often ineffective web initiatives. Too often, we are witness to companies overpaying for web properties and campaigns that underdeliver, do not accomplish goals and therefore could be rendered valueless. Because of this, we see a tremendous opportunity to help. Our commitment to quality and our passion towards our craft are guiding us as we take a much more aggressive position in the market as an undisputed leader in not only technology, but also experience design and digital marketing. Ultimately, the proof is in the results. Perfect. We have those too.

Our total offerings, when used in concert, outperform alternative solutions almost every time. The data speaks for itself. We are committed to the success of our customers, and we deliver as promised.  Many agencies say this. Few agencies follow through.

I can confidently say that the current state of Liquid is the strongest, most talented, and elevated version I have ever seen. We are driven to produce the finest quality experiences that meet and exceed our client promises. There is nothing more important.

Soon, Liquid will unleash new messaging, creative, and meaningful content to support our position. This messaging will speak directly to all our capabilities and qualifications. I have had the pleasure of seeing what this will look like. It is powerful. We cannot wait to share it with you.

One thing is clear, Liquid will continue to be an industry leader in designing, developing, and maintaining world class web experiences and digital marketing campaigns. Period.